Hello world!

Welcome to sync2swim blog.  Alright – why such a cheesy innocuous concoction for a blog name?

Well, blame it on an epiphany in 2006 for the jigsaw puzzle pieces to come together of what has been fuel to my life engine, propelling me from one adventure to another, how I get in and out of “boxes” and kept forward momentum.   It’s about synchronizing moments of truths, finding sweet spots to gain harmonic rhythm in relationships, circumstances and aligning to purpose and good intent.

I’ve always lived by the principle that one has to be “right” with people towards a productive relationship…but before you can be “right” with people, you have to be “right” with your authentic self of core values that is about unique you….and before you can be “right” with yourself, why i surmise – you have to be “right” with the Source from whom you draw meaning, life purpose and to anchor your value system on.

So, I came up with 2 domain names aligntenment.com and sync2swim.com to express these views and put out content  that speak to an aspect of living principle.  aligntenment.com was a manifestation of my passion to help and inspire around professional career mentoring intent whilst sync2swim.com is geared around the personal life relationships front.   It’s triggered by the popular cliche “sink or swim” through life and I just couldn’t resist the temptation to morph it to sync2swim…besides, swimming is my favorite form of exercise…just love to move in sync with the water and get into groove with the rhythmic breathing and bubble music…that’s when synthesis of thoughts and ideas happens…

so there you have it…

first thought is sharing a series of my “movie” productions, capturing pixels whether moving or still and telling short stories of the people spices in my life….so i will begin to park my movies here instead of youtube….

and if you like my movie-making, and would like me to capture and make your movies, why then – invite me to your parties 😉

enjoy and love to have your feedback and journey together in this blog!

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