chelev wa deshen

refreshed by past 2 days of rain
blue skies ushered us to marché ordener terrain

when you emerge from jules joffrin metro
xviii mairie, rue du poteau and ordener say hello
delights meet you no matter which way you go

check out the wedding crowd in front of the mairie
seems black and white are in vogue colors for the reverie

step to rue du poteau for the marché commerçant
go down rue ordener for marché volant open fun
regardless, markets sizzle with its own vibrancy
perfect for my lens to capture colorful life frenzy
besides, the marketing show up as meals to power my cpu
to write blogs, do sudoku, and share a view to provoke and cue

einstein  declared we “utilize only 10% of our mental capacity”
the world would definitely be different if we exercised our brains with tenacity

we are what we eat
we are what we think
better, if in sync
with our heart beat
and actioned bleat

watch your thoughts; they become words
watch your words; they become actions
watch your actions; they become habits
watch your habits; they become your character
watch your character; they become your destiny

hear no evil

speak no evil

do no evil

eat and swivel

to power life sizzle

chewing kjv psalm 63:5 cud

My soul shall be satisfied as [with] marrow and fatness; and my mouth shall praise [thee] with joyful lips:

besides,  “all the fat is the LORD’s….” leviticus 3:16

chelev wa deshen is ancient hebrew = “fat and fatness
an inspiration from mark roberts elevating God’s goodness

food for thought
relief for my state of fat and fatness sought

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