define or defy joy

like many semantics, associations and connotations
depending what’s influencing your perceptions
the mind is often muddled
what’s diff between happiness and joy, many are befuddled

let’s look at similarities first
to satisfy life’s thirst
both elusive it seems
less manufactured seams, more in dreams

here are some views of the diff
happiness and joy defined in a jiff

happiness is dependent upon circumstances
upon people, things, happenings and instances

joy on the other hand
stems from within, no matter what land
it’s not dependent upon people in your life
nor the possessions u accumulate and strive
unpegged at what’s happening in your life’s hive

according to a chinese proverb…
if u want happiness for an hour — take a nap
if u want happiness for a day — go fishing
if u want happiness for a month — get married (huh?)
if u want happiness for a year — inherit a fortune
if u want happiness for a lifetime — help someone else

the apostle paul understood
writing about joy while in prison, chained, alone in foreign city, he brewed this brood
flip to philippians chapter 3, verse 1 to relish, ponder and enjoy
whatever happens, dear brothers and sisters, may the Lord give you joy

joy is contentment at heart
a gift from God that enables believers to find hope and peace—even when life seemingly falls apart

yes, it’s true i find
in the stark realities, one can find joy encounters of a third kind
it’s all attitude at right altitude, in the heart and mind
what u think can land you in a treasure mine or blinding bind

somewhere over the rainbow
this i know


y’a d’la joie is a good tenet
sing it, charles trenet

y a d’la joie
bonjour bonjour les hirondelles
y a d’la joie
dans le ciel par dessus le toit
y a d’la joie
et du soleil dans les ruelles
y a d’la joie
partout y a d’la joie

la tour eiffel part en balade
comme une folle elle saute la seine à pieds joints
puis elle dit:“tant pis pour moi
si j’suis malade

j’m’ennuyais toute seule dans mon coin”
y a d’la joie
le percepteur met sa jaquette
plie boutique et dit d’un air très doux, très doux
“bien l’bonjour, pour aujourd’hui finie la quête
gardez tout, messieurs gardez tout”

here are other wisdom fare…..

according to yutang lin, 1895-1976, chinese writer and philologist
“the secret of contentment is knowing how to enjoy what you have,
and to be able to lose all desire for things beyond your reach”
joseph addison, (1672-1719, british essayist, poet, statesman) echoed same gist
a contented mind is the greatest blessing a man can enjoy in this world beach

a marcus annaeus seneca (bc 3-65 ad, roman philosopher, dramatist, statesman) blare
unhappy is the man, though he rule the world, who doesn’t consider himself supremely blessed-cared

thessalonians 5:16-18 admonishes one to be joyful always; pray continually;
give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus…
to live liberally

galatians 5:22-23 has joy as a fruit of the spirit to flare
proverbs 15:23 a man hath joy by the answer of his mouth: and a word spoken in due season, how good is it!, quelle flair

springtime in paris is joy i do declare
defy joy?
i never dare…

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