food glorious food

food pixels and topics will grace this category space
culinary adventure-filled craze, our senses to amaze
food for thought to partake accompanied with drink
u are what u eat, u become what u think

so to celebrate st. pat’s day
here’s the spread array

for starters to go with irish beer

viet-french nems, cashews with spice mix, spicy thai kettle chips cheer

brie with caramelized onions smear

let’s save   img_2390-fleetwood2 fleetwood mac’s signature cab savignon dear…

appetizer wanton-shrimp-tofu skins-sprouts curry soup deal

next, corn beef-cabbage-colcannon and soda bread meal

then creme caramel our to seal

img_2417-limoncella2 finish off with homemade limoncella and expresso with lemon peel

ce que tu manges, ce que tu es
alors, nous sommes quoi?

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