
oui, we are certainly alive and well
today was memorable swell
off to cafe philo  in st. germain to pontificate
“are images a language?” was the fiesty debate
hear ye the adage that a picture is worth a thousand words
and poetry is making images with words, chicken-egg diabolical turds

thereafter we went to restaurant “vivant”
after being turned away last night, we waited 30 minutes for bon goût want
it was well worth the wait
our tummies to satiate

the owner Pierre took pity on us, complimented with  vognier from ardeche
it went well with coppa et lardo dash
foie gras mi-cuit, a la mode sudwest bash

accompanied by
bufalo fumé

later topped
the most

whoa, whoa yaay
je t’aime paris
is more than i can say…

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